Template details
get/v1/template/propertiesThe template's entire details, such as its title, description, role details, added form fields, etc., can be fetched by specifying the template ID.
Upon a successful retrieval, the complete template details will be returned.
Code snippet
curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://api.boldsign.com/v1/template/properties?templateId=8f59295d-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e7dc88cfff2c' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'X-API-KEY: {your-api-key}'
var apiClient = new ApiClient("https://api.boldsign.com", "{your API key}"); var templateClient = new TemplateClient(apiClient); var templateProperties = templateClient.GetProperties("8f59295d-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e7dc88cfff2c");
import boldsign configuration = boldsign.Configuration(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY") with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: template_api = boldsign.TemplateApi(api_client) template_properties_response = template_api.get_properties(template_id = "YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID")
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; $config = new BoldSign\Configuration(); $config->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY'); $template_api = new BoldSign\Api\TemplateApi($config); $template_properties_response = $template_api->getProperties($template_id = 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID');
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); client.setApiKey("YOUR_API_KEY"); TemplateApi templateApi = new TemplateApi(client); TemplateProperties templatePropertiesResponse = templateApi.getProperties("YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID");
import { TemplateApi } from "@boldsign/node-sdk"; const templateApi = new TemplateApi(); templateApi.setApiKey("YOUR_API_KEY"); const templatePropertiesResponse = templateApi.getProperties("YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID");
Query parameters
templateIdstringRequired | The ID of the template from which the details should be fetched. |
Example response
200 Success
{ "templateId": "8f59295d-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e7dc88cfff2c", "title": "title of the template", "description": "description", "documentTitle": "title of the document", "documentMessage": "Agreement", "files": [ { "documentName": "Agreement.pdf", "order": 0, "pageCount": 6 } ], "roles": [ { "name": "HR", "index": 1, "defaultSignerName": "Hank White", "defaultSignerEmail": "hankwhite@cubeflakes.com", "phoneNumber": null, "signerOrder": 1, "signerType": "Signer", "hostEmail": "", "hostName": "", "language": 1, "allowRoleEdit": true, "allowRoleDelete": true, "enableAccessCode": false, "enableEmailOTP": false, "imposeAuthentication": "None", "deliveryMode": "Email", "allowFieldConfiguration": false, "formFields": [ { "id": "Signature1", "fieldType": "signature", "value": "", "font": "Helvetica", "isRequired": true, "isReadOnly": false, "lineHeight": 14, "fontSize": 13, "fontHexColor": "#000000", "isUnderLineFont": false, "isItalicFont": false, "isBoldFont": false, "groupName": "", "placeholder": "", "validationtype": "None", "validationCustomRegex": "", "validationCustomRegexMessage": null, "dateFormat": "", "imageInfo": null, "attachmentInfo": null, "editableDateFieldSettings": null, "conditionalRules": [], "dropdownOptions": [], "bounds": { "x": 343.9798, "y": 169.93939, "width": 124.0, "height": 32.0 }, "pageNumber": 1, "dataSyncTag": "", "textAlign": "Left", "textDirection": "LTR" } ], "enableEditRecipients": true, "enableDeleteRecipients": true, "locale": "EN", "recipientNotificationSettings": { "signatureRequest": true, "declined": true, "revoked": true, "signed": true, "completed": true, "expired": true, "reassigned": true, "deleted": true, "reminders": true, "editRecipient": true, "editDocument": true } }, { "name": "Sales", "index": 2, "defaultSignerName": "Alex Gayle", "defaultSignerEmail": "alexgayle@cubeflakes.com", "phoneNumber": null, "signerOrder": 2, "signerType": "Signer", "hostEmail": "", "hostName": "", "language": 1, "allowRoleEdit": true, "allowRoleDelete": true, "enableAccessCode": false, "enableEmailOTP": false, "imposeAuthentication": "None", "deliveryMode": "Email", "allowFieldConfiguration": false, "formFields": [ { "id": "Signature2", "fieldType": "signature", "value": "", "font": "Helvetica", "isRequired": true, "isReadOnly": false, "lineHeight": 14, "fontSize": 13, "fontHexColor": "#000000", "isUnderLineFont": false, "isItalicFont": false, "isBoldFont": false, "groupName": "", "placeholder": "", "validationtype": "None", "validationCustomRegex": "", "validationCustomRegexMessage": null, "dateFormat": "", "imageInfo": null, "attachmentInfo": null, "editableDateFieldSettings": null, "conditionalRules": [], "dropdownOptions": [], "bounds": { "x": 211.65657, "y": 253.77777, "width": 124.0, "height": 32.0 }, "pageNumber": 1, "dataSyncTag": "", "textAlign": "Left", "textDirection": "LTR" } ], "enableEditRecipients": true, "enableDeleteRecipients": true, "locale": "EN", "recipientNotificationSettings": { "signatureRequest": true, "declined": true, "revoked": true, "signed": true, "completed": true, "expired": true, "reassigned": true, "deleted": true, "reminders": true, "editRecipient": true, "editDocument": true } } ], "commonFields": [], "cCDetails": [], "brandId": "e56e3625-xxxx-xxxx-be4d-9184cb5e22b9", "allowMessageEditing": true, "allowNewRoles": true, "enableReassign": true, "EnablePrintAndSign": false, "enableSigningOrder": false, "createdDate": 1655981185, "createdBy": { "emailAddress": "richard@cubeflakes.com", "name": "Richard" }, "sharedTemplateDetail": [], "documentInfo": [ { "language": 1, "title": "title", "description": "description", "locale": "EN", } ], "labels": [ "labels", "tags" ], "templateLabels": [ "labels", "tags" ], "recipientNotificationSettings": { "signatureRequest": true, "declined": true, "revoked": true, "signed": true, "completed": true, "expired": true, "reassigned": true, "deleted": true, "reminders": true, "editRecipient": true, "editDocument": true } }