List templates


This function returns a paginated list of templates from your account. You can also search the templates associated with an account using one or more supported query filters. Calling list templates without any explicit query filter returns all templates.

The list can be filtered by the following values:

1. TemplateId 2. TemplateName 3. TemplateLabels 4. OnBehalfOf

Code snippet

curl -X 'GET' \ '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json' \
     -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}'
var apiClient = new ApiClient("", "API-KEY");

var templateClient = new TemplateClient(apiClient);

var templates = templateClient.ListTemplates(1, 10);
import boldsign

configuration = boldsign.Configuration(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")

with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:

    template_api = boldsign.TemplateApi(api_client)
    list_templates_response = template_api.list_templates(page=1, page_size=10)
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$config = new BoldSign\Configuration();

$template_api = new BoldSign\Api\TemplateApi($config); 
$list_templates_response = $template_api->listTemplates($page = 1, $page_size = 10);
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();  
TemplateApi templateApi = new TemplateApi(client);
int page = 1;
int pageSize = 10;
TemplateRecords listTemplatesResponse = templateApi.listTemplates(page, null, pageSize, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
import { TemplateApi } from "@boldsign/node-sdk";

const templateApi = new TemplateApi();

const listTemplateResponse = templateApi.listTemplates(1, "all", 10);

Query parameters

PageintegerThe page number (starting with 1) that you would like to view.


The maximum number of Template objects in a page (10 by default).

The value must be between 1 and 100.


The default value is AllTemplates. The values are,

  1. AllTemplates - It will return a list of template objects created by you as well as those shared by members of your organization.
  2. MyTemplates - It will return a list of template objects that you have created.
  3. SharedTemplates - It will return a list of template objects shared by members of your organization.
SearchKeystringIt will return a list of template objects based on the key values you provide, such as template Id, template name and template labels.
CreatedByarrayIt will return a list of template objects based on the provided template creator's email value.
TemplateLabelsarrayIt will return a list of template objects based on the provided template labels value.
onBehalfOfarrayIt will return a list of template objects based on the provided on behalf of email value.
BrandIdsarrayFilters documents based on their associated brand IDs.

Example response

200 Success

  "pageDetails": {
    "pageSize": 10,
    "page": 1,
    "totalRecordsCount": 52,
    "totalPages": 6,
    "sortedColumn": "activityDate",
    "sortDirection": "DESC"
  "result": [
      "documentId": "4e2375dd-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-870952cee6f8",
      "senderDetail": {
        "name": "Alex Gayle",
        "emailAddress": "",
        "userId": "4383962c-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-e0cd3f170f0f"
      "ccDetails": [],
      "createdDate": 1665465712,
      "activityDate": 1665465712,
      "activityBy": "",
      "messageTitle": "Bill-of-Sale",
      "status": "Completed",
      "signerDetails": [
          "signerName": "Hank White",
          "signerRole": "Hr",
          "signerEmail": "",
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "status": "NotCompleted",
          "enableAccessCode": false,
          "enableEmailOTP": false,
          "imposeAuthentication": "None",
          "deliveryMode": "Email",
          "userId": null,
          "order": 1,
          "signerType": "Signer",
          "language": 1,
          "hostEmail": "",
          "hostName": "",
          "hostUserId": "",
          "allowRoleEdit": true,
          "allowRoleDelete": true
          "signerName": "Luther Cooper",
          "signerRole": "Sales",
          "signerEmail": "",
          "phoneNumber": null,
          "status": "NotCompleted",
          "enableAccessCode": false,
          "enableEmailOTP": false,
          "imposeAuthentication": "None",
          "deliveryMode": "Email",
          "userId": null,
          "order": 2,
          "signerType": "Signer",
          "language": 1,
          "hostEmail": "",
          "hostName": "",
          "hostUserId": "",
          "allowRoleEdit": true,
          "allowRoleDelete": true
      "enableSigningOrder": false,
      "enableReassign": true,
      "templateName": "Name of the template",
      "templateDescription": "template description",
      "accessType": "Edit",
      "accessTid": "",
      "isTemplate": false,
      "labels": [
      "templateLabels": [