Set Language for Embedded Send Requests

BoldSign provides robust support for multiple languages within embedded send requests. The inclusion of various languages such as EN (English), FR (French), NO (Norwegian), DE (German), ES (Spanish), BG (Bulgarian), CS (Czech), DA (Danish), IT (Italian), NL (Dutch), PL (Polish), PT (Portuguese), RO (Romanian), RU (Russian), and SV (Swedish) enhances user understanding, allowing them to interact with the system in their preferred language.

Follow these steps to seamlessly set the language for embedded send requests

1. Configure UI for embedded document request

In your application, create a user interface (UI) that empowers users to input relevant information for the embedded document request. This information serves as the foundation for creating the document.

For instance, collect user inputs for parameters such as:

  • Title
  • Message
  • Signers
  • Other customization options (e.g., ShowToolbar, ShowSaveButton, SendViewOption, etc.)

However, to set the language, utilize the Locale variable with the code that corresponds to your desired language.

Here are example codes demonstrating how to create an embedded document with the preferred language:

Code snippet

curl -X POST '' \
    -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}' \
    -F 'Title=Sent from API Curl' \
    -F 'ShowToolbar=true' \
    -F 'ShowNavigationButtons=true' \
    -F 'ShowPreviewButton=true' \
    -F 'ShowSendButton=true' \
    -F 'ShowSaveButton=true' \
    -F 'SendViewOption=PreparePage' \
    -F 'ShowTooltip=false' \
    -F 'Locale=ES' \
    -F 'Message=This is document message sent from API Curl' \
    -F 'EnableSigningOrder=false' \
    -F 'Signers[0][Name]=Signer Name 1' \
    -F 'Signers[0][EmailAddress]' \
    -F 'Files=@{Your file Path};type=application/pdf'
var apiClient = new ApiClient("", "{your API key}");

var documentClient = new DocumentClient(apiClient);

var documentRequest = new EmbeddedDocumentRequest
    Title = "Sent from API SDK",
    Message = "This is document message sent from API SDK",
    Signers = new List<DocumentSigner>
        new DocumentSigner(
            signerName: "Signer Name 1",
            signerType: SignerType.Signer,
            signerEmail: "",
            locale: Locales.EN),
    Files = new List<IDocumentFile>
        new DocumentFilePath
            ContentType = "application/pdf",

            // directly provide file path
            FilePath = "{Your file path}",

    // customize page options
    SendViewOption = PageViewOption.PreparePage,
    Locale = Locales.ES,
    ShowToolbar = true,
    ShowNavigationButtons = true,
    ShowSaveButton = true,
    ShowPreviewButton = true,
    ShowSendButton = true,
    ShowTooltip = false,

var documentCreated = await documentClient.CreateEmbeddedRequestUrlAsync(documentRequest);

// url to send the document from your web application
var documentSendUrl = documentCreated.SendUrl;
import requests

url = ""

'Title': 'Sent from API Curl',
'ShowToolbar': 'true',
'ShowNavigationButtons': 'true',
'ShowPreviewButton': 'true',
'ShowSendButton': 'true',
'ShowSaveButton': 'true',
'SendViewOption': 'FillingPage',
'ShowTooltip': 'false',
'Locale': 'ES',
'Message': 'This is document message sent from API Curl',
'EnableSigningOrder': 'false',
'Signers[0][Name]': 'Signer Name 1',
'Signers[0][EmailAddress]': ''}
  ('Files',('file',open('{file path}','rb'),'application/pdf'))
headers = {
  'X-API-KEY': '{your API key}'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files)
const axios = require('axios'); 
const FormData = require('form-data'); 
const fs = require('fs'); 
const form = new FormData(); 
form.append('Title', 'Sent from API Curl'); 
form.append('ShowToolbar', 'true'); 
form.append('ShowNavigationButtons', 'true'); 
form.append('ShowPreviewButton', 'true'); 
form.append('ShowSendButton', 'true'); 
form.append('ShowSaveButton', 'true');
form.append('ShowTooltip', 'false');
form.append('Locale', 'ES');
form.append('Message', 'This is document message sent from API Curl'); 
form.append('EnableSigningOrder', 'false'); 
form.append('Signers[0][Name]', 'Signer Name 1'); 
form.append('Signers[0][EmailAddress]', '');
form.append('Files', fs.createReadStream('{Your file path}'));
const response = 
        headers: { 
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'X-API-KEY': '{Your-API-KEY}'

In the provided example, replace placeholders (Title, Message, etc.) with actual input values gathered from your application's UI. If your application supports multiple signers, customize the UI accordingly.

Set the Locale variable to the appropriate language code (EN, ES, etc.) to send the document in the desired language.

Executing the provided code will generate an embed link, and the document will be saved in draft status within your BoldSign account.

After generating the embed link, integrate it into an iFrame within your application. This iFrame empowers your application users to:

  • Add extra signers
  • Upload additional documents
  • Configure form fields
  • Send the document to the signer for signing

With this approach, users can engage with the document sending process in their preferred language, enhancing clarity and ease of use.