Update identity


Updates the name of the existing sender identity. Should provide the email address of the sender identity for this.

Code snippet

curl -X 'POST' \
  'https://api.boldsign.com/v1/senderIdentities/update?email=luthercooper%40cubeflakes.com' \
      -H 'accept: */*' \
      -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true' \
      -d '{
          "name": "Luther",
          "redirectUrl": "https://boldsign.com",
          "notificationSettings": {
            "viewed": true,
            "sent": false,
            "deliveryFailed": true,
            "declined": true,
            "revoked": true,
            "reassigned": true,
            "completed": true,
            "signed": true,
            "expired": true,
            "authenticationFailed": true,
            "reminders": true
            var apiClient = new ApiClient("https://api.boldsign.com", "{your API key}");
            var senderIdentityClient = new SenderIdentityClient(apiClient);
            NotificationSettings notificationSettings = new NotificationSettings();
            notificationSettings.Viewed = true;
            notificationSettings.Sent = false;
            notificationSettings.DeliveryFailed = true;
            notificationSettings.Declined = true;
            notificationSettings.Revoked = true;
            notificationSettings.Reassigned = true;
            notificationSettings.Completed = true;
            notificationSettings.Signed = true;
            notificationSettings.Expired = true;
            notificationSettings.AuthenticationFailed = true;
            notificationSettings.Reminders = true;
            var senderIdentityRequest = new SenderIdentityRequest("Luther", "luthercooper@cubeflakes.com", notificationSettings, redirectUrl: "https://boldsign.com");
import boldsign

configuration = boldsign.Configuration(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")

with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    sender_identities_api = boldsign.SenderIdentitiesApi(api_client) 
    edit_sender_identity_requests = boldsign.EditSenderIdentityRequest(name="Luther")
    sender_identities_api.update_sender_identities(email="luthercooper@cubeflakes.com", edit_sender_identity_request=edit_sender_identity_requests)
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$config = new BoldSign\Configuration();

$sender_identities_api = new BoldSign\Api\SenderIdentitiesApi($config);
$edit_sender_identity = new \BoldSign\Model\EditSenderIdentityRequest();

$sender_identities_api->updateSenderIdentities($email = 'luthercooper@cubeflakes.com', $edit_sender_identity);
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();  
SenderIdentitiesApi senderIdentitiesApi = new SenderIdentitiesApi(client);
EditSenderIdentityRequest editSenderIdentity = new EditSenderIdentityRequest();

senderIdentitiesApi.updateSenderIdentities("luthercooper@cubeflakes.com", editSenderIdentity);
import { SenderIdentitiesApi,EditSenderIdentityRequest } from "@boldsign/node-sdk";

const senderIdentitiesApi = new SenderIdentitiesApi();

const editSenderIdentityRequest = new EditSenderIdentityRequest();
editSenderIdentityRequest.name = "Luther";

senderIdentitiesApi.updateSenderIdentities("luthercooper@cubeflakes.com", editSenderIdentityRequest);

Query parameters

emailStringRequiredEmail address of the sender identity.

Request body

nameStringName of the sender identity. Either name or redirectUrl is required to update.
redirectUrlstringYou can set this property to redirect to a specific URL once the user has either approved or rejected. Either name or redirectUrl is required to update.


Notification Settings of the sender identity.

viewedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is viewed.
sentbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is sent.
deliveryFailedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the delivery is failed.
declinedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is declined.
revokedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is revoked.
reassignedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is reassigned.
completedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is completed.
signedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is signed.
expiredbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the document is expired.
authenticationFailedbooleanWhen it is enabled, an email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address if the authentication is failed for the document.
remindersbooleanWhen it is enabled, all reminder email will be automatically sent to the sender identity email address.

Example response

204 No content