Embedded Sign
The embedded sign request will allows the signers to sign the document within your website or mobile app using an iFrame, popup window, or new tab.
Once you successfully created the new document by referring the article Send document, it will return the document Id which we can use to generate the embedded signing link.
Enable secure document signing with ID verification using the getEmbeddedSigningLink API. This feature ensures that only authorized individuals can sign documents, enhancing security.
Get embedded signing link
get/v1/document/getEmbeddedSignLinkLet us walk through generating the embedded signing link and how it can be embedded into Iframe.
Validating the signer's identity
Please note that you are responsible for verifying the signer's identity before providing them access to the signing URL. This step is required to ensure that the eSignature is legally binding.
BoldSign produces an audit trail with a note saying that the document was signed with an embedded signature link. You must maintain records separately that your system validated the signer's identity before providing them access to the BoldSign embedded document URL for signing.
Code snippet
curl -X GET ' https://api.boldsign.com/v1/document/getEmbeddedSignLink?documentId=17882g56-6686-46d9-dhg3-ce5737751234&signerEmail=alexgayle@cubeflakes.com&redirectUrl=https://www.syncfusion.com/&signLinkValidTill=10/14/2022' \ -H 'X-API-KEY: {use your API-KEY here}'
var apiClient = new ApiClient("https://api.boldsign.com", "{use your API-KEY here}"); var documentClient = new DocumentClient(apiClient); EmbeddedSigningLink embeddedSigningLink = await documentClient.GetEmbeddedSignLinkAsync("17882g56-6686-46d9-dhg3-ce5737751234", "alexgayle@cubeflakes.com", DateTime.Now.AddDays(30), "https://www.syncfusion.com/").ConfigureAwait(false); string signLink = embeddedSigningLink.SignLink;
import boldsign configuration = boldsign.Configuration(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY") with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client: document_api = boldsign.DocumentApi(api_client) document_id = "YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID" signing_email = "alexgayle@cubeflakes.com" redirect_url= "https://www.syncfusion.com/" sign_link_valid_till = "2025-02-04" get_embedded_sign_link_response = document_api.get_embedded_sign_link(document_id=document_id, signer_email=signing_email, redirect_url=redirect_url, sign_link_valid_till=sign_link_valid_till)
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; $config = new BoldSign\Configuration(); $config->setApiKey('YOUR_API_KEY'); $document_api = new BoldSign\Api\DocumentApi($config); $document_id = 'YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID'; $signer_email = 'alexgayle@cubeflakes.com'; $sign_link_valid_till = 'VALID_DATE'; $get_embedded_sign_link_response = $document_api->getEmbeddedSignLink($document_id, $signer_email, $sign_link_valid_till);
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient(); client.setApiKey("YOUR_API_KEY"); DocumentApi documentApi = new DocumentApi(client); String documentId = "YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID"; String signerEmail = "alexgayle@cubeflakes.com"; OffsetDateTime signLinkValidTill = OffsetDateTime.parse("2025-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"); EmbeddedSigningLink embeddedSignLink = documentApi.getEmbeddedSignLink(documentId, signerEmail, null, null, signLinkValidTill, null);
import { DocumentApi } from "@boldsign/node-sdk"; const documentApi = new DocumentApi(); documentApi.setApiKey("YOUR_API_KEY"); const documentId = "YOUR_API_KEY"; const signerEmail = "david@cubeflakes.com"; const countryCode = "+1"; const phoneNumber = "2015550124"; const signLinkValidTill: string = "2025-01-22"; const redirectUrl = "https://www.syncfusion.com/"; const embeddedSignLinkResponse = documentApi.getEmbeddedSignLink(documentId, signerEmail, countryCode, phoneNumber, new Date(signLinkValidTill), redirectUrl);
Query parameters
DocumentIdstringRequired | The document Id that you got after the successful creation of the document. |
SignerEmailstring | Define the SignerEmail, which is used to identify to which recipient in the document you need to generate the embedded signing link. The string should be in binary format. Please note that you need to pass the signer email that you used while creating the document. If you send the signer email which is not part of the document, the API will throw an error. |
CountryCodestring | Define the CountryCode of the signer phone number which is used to identify to which recipient in the document you need to generate the embedded signing link. Please note that you need to pass the country code of the signer phone number that you used while creating the document. |
PhoneNumberstring | Define the PhoneNumber which is used to identify to which recipient in the document you need to generate the embedded signing link. Please note that you need to pass the actual phone number of the signer that you used while creating the document. |
SignLinkValidTillstring | It is used to define how long the signers can sign the document using the embedded signing link. The string should be in date-time format. |
RedirectUrlstring | You can set this properly once the signer has completed the signing process and needs to be redirected to a specific site. |
Example response
200 Success
{ "signLink": "https://app.boldsign.com/document/sign/?documentId=17882f5a-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-ce5737756339s_dyU07;dfeab145-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-d705b85823c8" }
NOTE: Please note that if you expect the signers to sign the document within your application only, then you can disable the emails sending from the BoldSign application while sending the signature request. Please refer to this article Send document, for more information.