Send document from template


Templates are created in the same way as regular documents, but instead of associating signature fields with people, we simply associate fields with roles. For more information, please refer to the Create template article.

When you need to send the same contracts out for signature to different groups of people repeatedly, you can use templates to save time. This section demonstrates how to send a document for signature by using an existing template.

Code snippet

curl -X 'POST' \ '' \
     -H 'accept: application/json' \
     -H 'X-API-KEY: {your API key}' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal;odata.streaming=true' \
     -d '{
       "title": "Invitation form",
       "message": "Kindly review and sign this.",
       "roles": [
      "roleIndex": 50,
      "signerName": "Richard",
      "signerOrder": 1,
      "signerEmail": "",
      "privateMessage": "Please check and sign the document.",
      "authenticationCode": "281028",
      "enableEmailOTP": false,
      "signerType": "Signer",
      "signerRole": "Manager",
     "formFields": [
      "id": "SignField",
      "fieldType": "Signature",
      "pageNumber": 1,
      "bounds": {
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100,
        "width": 100,
        "height": 50
      "isRequired": true
      "locale": "EN"
  "brandId": "8208b6d3-7ee0-4a1a-b597-1bbe41018107",
  "labels": [
  "disableEmails": false,
  "disableSMS": false,
  "hideDocumentId": true,
  "reminderSettings": {
    "enableAutoReminder": true,
    "reminderDays": 3,
    "reminderCount": 10
  "cc": [
      "emailAddress": ""
  "expiryDays": 180,
  "expiryDateType": "Days",
  "expiryValue": 60,
  "disableExpiryAlert": true,
  "enablePrintAndSign": true,
  "enableReassign": true,
  "enableSigningOrder": true,
  "roleRemovalIndices": [1, 2],
var apiClient = new ApiClient("", "{your API key}");
var templateClient = new TemplateClient(apiClient);
var documentFilePath= new DocumentFilePath
   ContentType = "application/pdf",
   FilePath = "agreement.pdf",

var filesToUpload = new List<IDocumentFile>
var signatureField = new FormField(
  id: "sign_id",
  type: FieldType.Signature,
  pageNumber: 1,
  bounds: new Rectangle(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50));

  var formFieldsCollections = new List<FormField>

  var templateRole = new Roles(
    formFields: formFieldsCollections,
    locale: Locales.EN);

  var roles = new List<Roles>

  var sendForSignFromTemplate = new SendForSignFromTemplate()
    TemplateId = "01c19aef-2dad-476d-b801-7178ef2e1036",
    Roles = roles,
    RoleRemovalIndices = new [] {1, 2}

var documentCreated =  templateClient.SendUsingTemplate(sendForSignFromTemplate);
import boldsign

configuration = boldsign.Configuration(api_key="YOUR_API_KEY")

with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:

    template_api = boldsign.TemplateApi(api_client)
    form_fields = [
            bounds=boldsign.Rectangle(x=100, y=100, width=100, height=50)

    role = boldsign.Role(

    send_for_sign_from_template = boldsign.SendForSignFromTemplateForm(

    send_using_template_response = template_api.send_using_template(template_id = "YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID", send_for_sign_from_template_form=send_for_sign_from_template)
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$config = new BoldSign\Configuration();

$template_api = new BoldSign\Api\TemplateApi($config);
$form_fields = new BoldSign\Model\FormField();
$bounds = new BoldSign\Model\Rectangle([100, 100, 100, 50]);

$role = new BoldSign\Model\Role();

$send_for_sign_from_template = new BoldSign\Model\SendForSignFromTemplateForm();
$files = new \BoldSign\Model\FileInfo();
$files = 'YOUR_FILE_PATH';

$send_using_template_response = $template_api->sendUsingTemplate($template_id = 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID', $send_for_sign_from_template);
ApiClient client = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();  
TemplateApi templateApi = new TemplateApi(client);
FormField signatureField = new FormField();
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle();

Role role = new Role();
SendForSignFromTemplateForm sendForSignFromTemplate = new SendForSignFromTemplateForm();
File file = new File("YOUR_FILE_PATH");  
DocumentCreated sendUsingTemplateResponse = templateApi.sendUsingTemplate("YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID", sendForSignFromTemplate);
import { TemplateApi,FormField, Rectangle, Role, SendForSignFromTemplateForm  } from "@boldsign/node-sdk";

const templateApi = new TemplateApi();

const bounds = new Rectangle();
bounds.x = 100;
bounds.y = 50;
bounds.width = 100;
bounds.height = 100;

const formField = new FormField();
formField.fieldType = FormField.FieldTypeEnum.Signature;
formField.pageNumber = 1;
formField.bounds = bounds;

const role = new Role();
role.roleIndex = 1;
role.signerName = "Richard";
role.signerEmail = "";
role.signerType =  Role.SignerTypeEnum.Signer;
role.formFields = [formField];

const sendForSignFromTemplate = new SendForSignFromTemplateForm();
sendForSignFromTemplate.roles = [role];

const sendDocumentTemplateResponse = templateApi.sendUsingTemplate("YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID", sendForSignFromTemplate);

Query parameters

templateIdstringRequiredThe ID of the existing template to be used for sending the document.

Request body

titlestringThis is the title of the document that will be displayed in the BoldSign user interface as well as in the signature request email.
messagestringA message for all the recipients. You can include the instructions that the signer should know before signing the document.


A role is simply a placeholder for a real person. For example, if we have a purchase order that will always be signed by two people, one from the company and one from the customer, we can create a template with two roles, Customer and Representative.

roleIndexintegerThe row index value of the role. The index value must be between 1 and 50.
signerNamestringName of the signer. This name will appear on all the emails, notifications, and audit files.
signerOrderintegerSigning order of the signer. This is applicable when the signing order option is enabled.
signerEmailstringMail ID of the signer. This ID will appear on all the emails, notifications, and on the audit file.
hostEmailstringMail ID of the host. It is applicable when the signerType is set to InPersonSigner.
privateMessagestringDisplays a message to the specified signer when they proceed to sign the document. You can include the instructions that the signer should know before signing the document.
authenticationTypestringThis is used to allow authentication for a specific signer. We have three types of authentication. They are AccessCode , EmailOTP, SMSOTP and IdVerification. The default value is None.

authenticationRetryCountNullable int

Specifies the maximum number of allowed authentication attempts for the signer during the signing process. This applies to the following authentication methods:

  • AccessCode
  • EmailOTP

The retry count must be an integer between 1 and 10. If this property is not specified, the default value is 3 or the value configured in the business profile. This property is optional.


When you set the authentication type to SMSOTP or select the delivery mode as SMS or EmailAndSMS, you can provide the phone number with the country code.

countryCodestringThis property represents the country code associated with the phone number.
numberstringThis property represents the actual phone number.
deliveryModestringThis property allows you to specify the desired delivery mode for sending notifications. We have three types of delivery modes. They are Email , SMS and EmailAndSMS. The default value is Email.
authenticationCodestringThe authentication access code, which must be entered by the signer to access the document. This should be shared to the signer.
enableEmailOTPbooleanEnables the email OTP authentication. When this feature is enabled, the signer is required to input the OTP (One-Time Password) received via email in order to access the document.
signerTypeSignerTypeType of the signer. The values are Signer, Reviewer, and InPersonSigner.
signerRolestringThe role of the signer which was specified while creating the template.
allowFieldConfigurationbooleanThis option enables the signer to add fields at their end while signing the document. If this option is set to false, the signer cannot add fields, and they must complete the assigned ones. By default, it is set to false.


Settings for identity verification when IdVerification authentication type is enabled for the signer.

typestringCustomize the frequency of identity verification for signers accessing documents.
  • EveryAccess: Signers must undergo identity verification each time they access the document, even after completing their signature.
  • UntilSignCompleted: Identity verification is required until the signer completes their signature. After which, they will not need to undergo identity verification again.
  • OncePerDocument: Signers authenticate their identity only once, even if accessing the document multiple times.
maximumRetryCountintegerSpecify the maximum number of verification attempts allowed for signers. Exceeding this limit restricts access to the document. Senders have the option to reset failed signers for additional attempts and manually review failed document uploads for approval or rejection. Maximum number of retries is 10.
requireLiveCapturebooleanMandate signers to capture a live image of their identification document using their device camera. This verifies the document's authenticity and originality, preventing the use of photos or photocopies.
requireMatchingSelfiebooleanUses advanced machine learning algorithms to ensure facial recognition accuracy, preventing the use of stolen identity documents by comparing the photo on the ID and the selfie image.
nameMatcherstringDefine the tolerance level for matching the signer's name with the name on the uploaded identification document. Options include:
  • Strict: Minimal variations are permitted, adhering to strict matching rules.
  • Moderate: Moderate matching rules allow for variations in the middle, prefix, and suffix parts of the name.
  • Lenient: Relaxed matching rules accommodate minor spelling mistakes for increased flexibility.
holdForPrefillbooleanEnable this option to hold the signer from signing the document, giving you the opportunity to prefill the signer's details. Once the prefill is completed, the signer can proceed with the signing process. The maximum hold time is 30 seconds; if you exceed this time limit, the signer will be redirected to the signing page.


List of form fields associated with the signer.

idstringThe id of the form field. ID must start with a letter or an underscore and can only contain letters, digits, and underscores.
namestringName of the form field.
typestringType of the form field. The available values are Signature, Initial, CheckBox, TextBox, Label, DateSigned, RadioButton, Image, Attachment, EditableDate, Hyperlink, and Dropdown.
pageNumberintegerPage number in the document, in which the form field has to be placed.


Position and size values of the form field to be placed.

xfloatX-coordinate value used to place the form field.
yfloatY-coordinate value used to place the form field.
widthfloatWidth of the form field.
heightfloatHeight of the form field.
isRequiredbooleanDecides whether this form field is required to be filled or not.
backgroundHexColorbooleanCustomize the label field background colour.
valuestringValue to be displayed on the label form field.
tabIndexNullable intAssign tab index to control the flow of field focus while using TAB key navigation. Default to null, which denotes it will follow regular flow. The accepted range starts from -1 to a valid integer.
labelstringThe label used to represent the value for a radio button. Also, can be used to prefill a radio button.
fontSizefloatSize of the font.
fontstringFont family. The values are Courier, Helvetica, TimesNewRoman, and NotoSans.
fontHexColorstringColor of the font. The value should be a hex color code. Example - #035efc.
isBoldFontbooleanDecides whether the font should be in bold or not.
isItalicFontbooleanDecides whether the font should be in italic or not.
isUnderLineFontbooleanDecides whether the font should be underlined or not.
lineHeightintegerHeight of a line in the text.
characterLimitintegerLimits the number of characters in the text.
groupNamestringThe group name of the form field. This field is required when the fieldType is set to RadioButton.
placeHolderstringA hint text to be displayed on the text form field by default.
validationTypeValidationTypeType of validation for the textbox form field. The values are Only Numbers, Regex, Currency, Email, and None.
validationCustomRegexstringValue for regex validation. This is applicable when the validationType is set to Regex.
validationCustomRegexMessagestringDescription for regex validation. This message is displayed when the signer enters an invalid regex format value in the text box form field.
dateFormatstringFormat of the date to be displayed on the date signed form field. The default value is MM/dd/yyyy. When null is provided, the value is inherited from the business profile settings of your account. Accepted formats are
  • MM/dd/yyyy (02/08/2024)
  • dd/MM/yyyy (08/02/2024)
  • dd-MMM-yyyy (08-Feb-2024)
  • MMM-dd-yyyy (Feb-08-2024)
  • MMM dd, yyyy (Feb 08, 2024)
  • dd MMM, yyyy (08 Feb, 2024)
  • yyyy, MMM dd (2024, Feb 08)
  • yyyy/MM/dd (2024/02/08)
  • dd-MM-yyyy (08-02-2024)
  • MM-dd-yyyy (02-08-2024)
  • yyyy-MM-dd (2024-02-08)
timeFormatstringFormat of the time to be displayed on the date signed form field. When null is provided, the value is inherited from the business profile settings of your account. Accepted formats are
  • hh:mm tt (12:30 PM)
  • h:mm tt (2:45 PM)
  • HH:mm (14:30)
  • H:mm (9:15)
  • None (Disabled, no time will be displayed)


Options to customize the image form field.

titlestringTitle of the image form field.
descriptionstringDescription of the image form field.
allowedFileExtensionsstringControls the image formats that can be allowed to upload on the image form field. The values are .jpg or .jpeg, .svg, .png, and .bmp.


Options to customize the attachment form field.

titlestringTitle of the attachment form field.
descriptionstringDescription of the attachment form field.
allowedFileTypesstringControls the file formats that can be allowed to upload on the attachment form field. The values are PDF, Document, and Image.


Options to customize the editable date form field.


BoldSign API supports a variety of date-time formats, including:

  • MM/dd/yyyy
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • dd-MMM-yyyy
  • MMM-dd-yyyy
  • MMM dd,yyyy
  • dd MMM,yyyy
  • yyyy,MMM dd
  • yyyy/MM/dd
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • MM-dd-yyyy
  • yyyy-MM-dd

Format of the date to be displayed on the date signed form field. The default value is MM/dd/yyyy.


The minimum date that can be selected. The string should be in date-time format. The default ISO standard YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

Example Format

minDate : 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z

The date-time should be passed in UTC timezone using Z (e.g., 2024-01-01T00:00:00Z).

If using a specific timezone, provide the UTC offset:

  • IST (UTC+5:30): 2024-01-01T00:00:00+05:30
  • PST (UTC-8:00): 2024-01-01T00:00:00-08:00


The maximum date that can be selected. The string should be in date-time format. The default ISO 8601 standard YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.

Example Format

maxDate : 2025-12-31T23:59:59Z

Pass the date-time in UTC timezone using Z (e.g., 2025-12-31T23:59:59Z).

For specific timezones, provide the UTC offset:

  • EST (UTC-5:00): 2025-12-31T23:59:59-05:00
  • CET (UTC+1:00): 2025-12-31T23:59:59+01:00
hyperLinkTextstringText to be displayed for the hyperlink.
dataSyncTagstringThe value that can be specified on two or more textbox form fields to sync them.
dropDownOptionsarrayThe values which have to be displayed on the dropdown form field. One or more values can be specified.
textAlignstringDetermines the horizontal alignment of text for the textbox and label form fields, and can be set to Left, Center, or Right.
textDirectionstringDetermines the text direction of text for the textbox and label form fields, and can be set to LTR or RTL.
characterSpacingfloatDetermines the character spacing of text for the textbox and label form fields. It can be set as a floating-point value.


Options to configure formula field.

formulaExpressionstringThis property is used to specify the formula as a string define the calculation or expression for the formula field.
decimalPrecisionintegerThis property is used to determines the decimal rounding precision for the computed result.


List of existing form fields in the document.

indexintegerIndex of the existing form field.
idstringThe ID of the existing form field.
valuestringValue of the existing form field.
isReadOnlybooleanDecides whether this form field is readOnly or not.
languageintegerIndex of the language in which the document signing pages and emails for the signer should be rendered. The supported languages are 1-English, 2-Spanish, 3-German, 4-French, and 5-Romanian. Note that 'locale' should now be used instead of 'language' as it has replaced the deprecated term.
localestringSpecify the language index for rendering document signing pages and emails for the signer, choosing from the supported locales such as EN-English, NO-Norwegian, FR-French, DE-German,ES-Spanish, BG-Bulgarian, CS-Czech, DA-Danish,IT-Italian, NL-Dutch, PL-Polish, PT-Portuguese,RO-Romanian, RU-Russian, and SV-Swedish.


Control email notifications to recipients by configuring the properties within recipientNotificationSettings.

signatureRequestbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is sent.
declinedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is declined.
revokedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is revoked.
signedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is signed by other recipient.
completedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when the document is completed.
expiredbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document expires.
reassignedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when the document is reassigned.
deletedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is deleted.
remindersbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should receive reminders for pending signature requests.
editRecipientbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when there is a change in the recipient.
editDocumentbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when a document is edited.
enableQesbooleanWhen set to true, the signer will be allowed to sign the document with a qualified electronic signature (QES). It can only be assigned to a single signer. When there are multiple signers in a document, the signer order option should be enabled to ensure only the last person in the document is enabled with QES, and the last signer order also should not have multiple signers.
brandIdstringYou can customize the logo, colors, and other elements of the signature request emails and document signing pages to match your company branding. The ID of the existing brand can be obtained from the branding API and from the web app.
labelsarrayLabels (tags) are added to the documents to categorize and filter them. One or more labels can be added.
disableEmailsbooleanDisables the sending of document related emails to all the recipients. The default value is false.
disableSMSbooleanDisables the sending of document related SMS to all the recipients. The default value is false.
hideDocumentIdbooleanDecides whether the document ID should be hidden or not.


Options to customize the auto-reminder settings.

enableAutoReminderbooleanEnables or disables the auto-reminder.
reminderDaysintegerThe number of days between each automatic reminder.
reminderCountintegerThe number of times the auto-reminder should be sent.


Mail ID of the CC recipients. One or more CC recipients can be specified.

emailAddressstringMail ID of the CC recipients.
expiryDaysintegerThe number of days after which the document expires. The default value is 60 days.
enablePrintAndSignbooleanAllows the signer to print the document, sign, and upload it. The default value is false.
enableReassignbooleanAllows the signer to reassign the signature request to another person. The default value is true.
enableSigningOrderbooleanEnables or disables the signing order. If this option is enabled, then the signers can only sign the document in the specified order and cannot sign in parallel. The default value is false.
disableExpiryAlertbooleanDisables the alert, which was shown one day before the expiry of the document.


Options to customize the information like title and description of the document for a particular signer.

languageintegerThis specifies the language in which the document signing pages and emails should be rendered to the signer. The supported languages are 1-English, 2-Spanish, 3-German, 4-French, and 5-Romanian. Note that 'locale' should now be used instead of 'language' as it has replaced the deprecated term.
titlestringTitle of the document.
DescriptionstringA message for the signer. You can include the instructions that the signer should know before signing the document.
localestringSpecify the language index for rendering document signing pages and emails for the signer, choosing from the supported locales such as EN-English, NO-Norwegian, FR-French, DE-German,ES-Spanish, BG-Bulgarian, CS-Czech, DA-Danish,IT-Italian, NL-Dutch, PL-Polish, PT-Portuguese,RO-Romanian, RU-Russian, and SV-Swedish.
onBehalfOfstringMail ID of the user to send the document on behalf of them.
roleRemovalIndicesarrayRemoves the roles present in the template with their indices given in this property.
documentDownloadOptionenumThis option allows you to configure how the uploaded files, especially multiple files, should be downloaded: either as a single combined document or as separate documents. The values are Combined and Individually. The default value is Combined. If the value is null, the setting configured in the business profile settings will be considered.


Manages the rules and configuration of grouped form fields.

minimumCountintegerThe minimum number of items that must be selected in a form group.
maximumCountintegerThe maximum number of items that must be selected in a form group.
dataSyncTagstringThe data sync tag of the form group.
groupNamesarrayThe group names to which this form group rule should be applied.
groupValidationstringSpecify the form group validation type, the available validations are Minimum, Maximum, Absolute, and Range.


The files to be uploaded for sending signature request. .pdf, .png, .jpg, and .docx are supported file formats. The preferred file format is .pdf. You can upload up to 25 files. Each document may have a maximum of 1000 pages and must be no larger than 25 MB in size.

For a single file, the Base64 format should be: ["data:application/{{fileType}};base64,{{content}}"].

For multiple files, the format should be: [ "data:application/{{fileType}};base64,{{content1}}",...].

fileUrlsarrayThe URL of the files to be uploaded for sending signature request. .pdf, .png, .jpg, and .docx are supported file formats. The preferred file format is .pdf. You can upload up to 25 files. Each document may have a maximum of 1000 pages and must be no larger than 25 MB in size.


Control email notifications to recipients or CC collectively by configuring properties within recipientNotificationSettings.

signatureRequestbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document is sent.
declinedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document is declined.
revokedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document is revoked.
signedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document is signed by other recipient.
completedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when the document is completed.
expiredbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document expires.
reassignedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when the document is reassigned.
deletedbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when a document is deleted.
remindersbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should receive reminders for pending signature requests.
editRecipientbooleanIndicates whether the recipient should be notified when there is a change in the recipient.
editDocumentbooleanIndicates whether the recipient or CC should be notified when the document is edited.
removeFormFieldsarrayThe removeFormFields property in API allows you to exclude specific form fields from a document before sending it. You provide a string array with the IDs of the existing form fields you want to remove. One or more values can be specified.
enableAuditTrailLocalizationbooleanEnable localization for audit trail based on the signer's language. If null is provided, the value will be inherited from the Business Profile settings. Only one additional language can be specified in the signer's languages besides English.


Defines the custom format for the file name of downloaded document files. You can combine your own file name elements with the following predefined dynamic variables:

  • title
  • documentId
  • signername
  • signername_last
  • signername_order#1
  • sendername
  • completeddate
  • status

The #1 in signername_order#1 serves as a placeholder and should be replaced with an actual value, such as signername_order#3, to represent a 3rd signer's name.

The maximum file name length is 250 characters. If the generated name exceeds this limit, it will be truncated to fit within the limit. This property is optional; if not provided, the default format configured in the business profile will be used.

Example response

200 Success

  "documentId": "755195d8-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-88ff77d35419"