Table of Contents

Class DateSignedField



public class DateSignedField : FormField, IFormField
Inherited Members



Initializes a new instance of the DateSignedField class.

protected DateSignedField()

DateSignedField(int, Rectangle, bool, string, FontFamily, int, string, bool, bool, bool, int, string, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the DateSignedField class.

public DateSignedField(int pageNumber = 0, Rectangle bounds = null, bool isRequired = false, string value = null, FontFamily font = FontFamily.Helvetica, int fontSize = 0, string fontHexColor = null, bool isBoldFont = false, bool isItalicFont = false, bool isUnderLineFont = false, int lineHeight = 0, string dateFormat = null, string id = null, string timeFormat = null)


pageNumber int

Gets or sets the page number.

bounds Rectangle

Gets or sets the bounds (required).

isRequired bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is required.

value string

Gets or sets the value.

font FontFamily

Gets or sets the font (required).

fontSize int

Gets or sets the fontSize.

fontHexColor string

Gets or sets the fontHexColor.

isBoldFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is bold.

isItalicFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is italic.

isUnderLineFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is underline.

lineHeight int

Gets or sets the lineHeight.

dateFormat string

Gets or sets the dateFormat.

id string

Gets or sets the id.

timeFormat string

Gets or sets the timeFormat.

DateSignedField(string, int, Rectangle, bool, string, FontFamily, int, string, bool, bool, bool, int, string, string)

Initializes a new instance of the DateSignedField class.

[Obsolete("Name is deprecated, please use Id instead")]
public DateSignedField(string name = null, int pageNumber = 0, Rectangle bounds = null, bool isRequired = false, string value = null, FontFamily font = FontFamily.Helvetica, int fontSize = 0, string fontHexColor = null, bool isBoldFont = false, bool isItalicFont = false, bool isUnderLineFont = false, int lineHeight = 0, string dateFormat = null, string timeFormat = null)


name string

Gets or sets the name.

pageNumber int

Gets or sets the page number.

bounds Rectangle

Gets or sets the bounds (required).

isRequired bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field is required.

value string

Gets or sets the value.

font FontFamily

Gets or sets the font (required).

fontSize int

Gets or sets the fontSize.

fontHexColor string

Gets or sets the fontHexColor.

isBoldFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is bold.

isItalicFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is italic.

isUnderLineFont bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the font style is underline.

lineHeight int

Gets or sets the lineHeight.

dateFormat string

Gets or sets the dateFormat.

timeFormat string

Gets or sets the timeFormat.



Gets or sets the DateFormat and it's only applicable for DateSigned field. Please use the pre-defiened DateFormat. Supported formats: MM/dd/yyyy, dd/MM/yyyy, dd-MMM-yyyy, MMM-dd-yyyy, MMM dd,yyyy, dd MMM,yyyy, yyyy,MMM dd, yyyy/MM/dd, dd-MM-yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, yyyy-MM-dd. The default value is date format specified in the business profile.

[DataMember(Name = "dateFormat", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public string DateFormat { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets or sets the TimeFormat and it's only applicable for DateSigned field.

[DataMember(Name = "timeFormat", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public string TimeFormat { get; set; }

Property Value



Gets the form field type.It is a read only property.

[DataMember(Name = "fieldType", EmitDefaultValue = true)]
public override FieldType Type { get; set; }

Property Value
