Namespace BoldSign.Api.Model
- ApiRequest
The recipient details model.
- AttachmentInfo
Attachment Info.
- ChangeRecipient
The recipient details model.
- CreateContact
The create Contact details.
- CreateEmbeddedTemplateRequest
Embedded send request DTO.
- CreateTemplateRequest
create template request DTO.
- CreatedContact
The Create Contact Details.
- CustomDomainSettings
Represents custom domain settings.
- EditTemplateRequest
Edit template request DTO.
- EmbeddedTemplateCreated
Embedded create template created result.
- EmbeddedTemplateEditRequest
Embedded template edit request.
- EmbeddedTemplateEdited
The Embedded Template Edited.
- ExtendExpiry
The Extend Expiry Model.
- FileInfo
- Font
The font model.
- MergeAndSendForSign
The merge and send for sign.
- PrefillField
Pre fill field.
- PrefillFieldRequest
Pre fill field request.
- RemoveAuthentication
The remove Authentication model.
- RoleProperties
Role properties.
- TeamUsers
Team and team user details.
- TemplateCreated
template Created Action Result.
- TemplateFormField
The template form field properties.
- TemplateRole
Template role DTO.
- TemplateTag
The Add and Delete tag model.
- TextTagDefinition
The text tag model.
- Validation
The validation model.
- IDocumentUpload
Interface for document upload.
- ITextTags
The text tag model.
- DocumentDownloadOption
Document download option.
- FontStyle
The font style.
- ImposeAuthentication
- TextAlign
The TextAlign.
- TextDirection
Specifies the possible directions of text.
- ValidationType
The validation type.